Nabteb 2012 practical biology questions and answers

Nabteb 2012 practical biology questions and answers
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1a. identify specimen A,B and C without reason
1b. where is each specimen found
1c. state one economic importance of each specimen
1d. drawn and labbeled fully d dorsal view of specime B(6 to 8cm long)

¤¤2a. identify specime D, E and F without reason
2b. To what classes of fruit does each of specimen E and F belong
2c. state one agent of disperser of each of specime D,E and F
2d. state two observable differences betwen d internal feature of E and F

¤¤3a. identify specinme G,H.i and J without reason
3b. Name one habitant each of specimen G, H, I and J
3c. what type of skeletor is present in specimen I and J
3d. state one economic importantof specimen H

¤¤4a. differentiate between monohybride and dihybride crop
4b. define the following ecological term
(ii) tropic level
4c. A terrestrial environment above the following organism,snake, green grass,toad and grasshoper
(i) construct a simple food chain making use of the animals above
(ii) what is the ecological implication of killing all available snake in the environment.
(i. Give one example of.
(a. carnivorous animal.
(b. insectivorous animal
(ii. What is the ultimate source of energy in the biosphere
(iii. list 3 conservable of natural resources
(iv. state 2 ways by which water could be poluted
(v. define the following ecological terms.
(a. comunities.
(b. ecosystem
(vi. name d protozoan dat causes malaria
(vii. name one plant in the class of bryophyta
(viii. what is imcomplete metamorphosis
(ix. state 2 functions of the mammalian skin
(x. list 4 excretory product inplant.
.(xi. list 4 instrument commonly used to measure the rate of transpiration in plant
(xii. state d dental formula of a dog
(xiii. what name is given to d largest artery in man
(xiv. name d type of germination in .
(a. cowpea seed
(b. maize grain
(xv. where does absorption of digested food take place in man

(1) i (a) fish
(b) bladderwort
(ii) sunlight
(iii) dangerous depletion of non-renewable resourses, renewable resourses being used up faster than they can be formed, pollution of environment.
(iv) crude oil and agriculture wastes
(v) a. community:- Is made up of all the populations of living organisms that exist together in a habitat .
b. Ecosystem:- Is a basic function unit of nature. it is made up of living environment.
(vi) plasmodium sp.
(viii) incomplete metamorphosis - Is the gradual growth and development during an insect life cycle.
(ix) Temperature control and sensitivity
(x) carbondioxide, oxygen, water,tannins.
(xi) Potometer
(xii) dental formular of a dog (xiii) oxygenated blood
(xiv)a. compea seed --- epigeal germination b. maize grain ---- hypogeal germination
(xv) mouth
(2) a. Specimen A-
Earthworm B-
C- SoldierTermite b.
Specimen A
In damp soil, mud and moist soil B. In dark corners, cupboards, dirty toilet C- In plants c.
Specimen A. It burrows the soil to make it easy from growth of roots.
B. Destroy books, clothes, and food.
C. Destructions of crops/ plants.
d. Draw a dorsal view of specimen B.
A Specimen D. Bean Seed Specimen
E. Coconut Fruit Specimen F- Mango Fruit.
b. Class of Fruit
E. Aggregate,
F. Drupe, c. Agent of dispersal,
D. Explosive mechanism ,
E. Water,
F. Animal. d
SPECIMEN E= i. Presence of Embryo,
ii. Absence of Seed.
Specimen F:
i. Absence of Embryo,
ii. Presence of seed.
4. Specimen G- Spisogyra,
H. Garden Snail,
I. Crayfish
J. Tilapia fish